Webspinner Policies

Everyone is invited to submit articles for publication in the Webspinner. The editor and staff of the Webspinner make decisions concerning the appropriateness of submissions. The editor of the Webspinner has the privilege and responsibility to edit, suggest improvements, and to reject submissions of student work. Submissions from nonstudents that are accepted for publication will be posted exactly as submitted. Emphasis is placed on visuals in the Webspinner rather than long articles of text.

All submissions must include a signed hardcopy giving permission for the work to be published. Student work submitted for publication by faculty must have both the student's and faculty member's signatures on the hardcopy.

The Webspinner is in continuous publication with articles being added and deleted at the discretion of the editor.

Submissions to the Webspinner editor including all images must be transfered electronically (email attachment) or on diskette.

