Fifth Grade

Joins WebTeam

Digital Images by Thomas Wilson

Ten-year-old Bryan , a fifth-grade student has joined the Judson WebTeam as our newest apprentice.

He became interested in computers and Web page design at age nine because, as he says, " I really like learning languages and, with the Web, I can tell the world what I think about things."


Bryan has just completed the SoftQuad JavaScript corporate training course which is taught by Mrs. Ruth Kastenmayer, Judson College Webmaster and SoftQuad certified trainer for HotMetaL Pro 6. He will be learning the intricacies of HoTMetaL while he works on files for the Judson Web site as well as contracts for the Judson Center for Electronic Commerce.

He is planning to start his own WebShop business when he is twelve!

©Judson College, 1999
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