Auburn University's Rural Studio Project

In Marion, AL., 2005

Perry County Learning Center

The Alternative School Building

The Perry County Learning Center is an Auburn University Rural Studio Project in Marion, Alabama. This thesis work is being done by Architect students Dereck Aplin of Slocomb, AL., Amy Bell of Dothan, AL., Sam Cumle of Pensacola, FL., Angela Hughey of Montgomery, AL., and Turnley Smith of Florence, AL.

Turnley, Sam, Angela and Dereck take a moment to chat with Thomas Wilson on one of his many visits to the project
Marion Female Seminary, Historical Society Building
The Perry County Board of Education which houses Superintendent Herd's office is getting much needed repair. The old elementary school building may be too damaged for restoration. The old Female Seminary building which is next door to the Learning Center Project, has been restored by the Perry County Historical Society.
Sam and Turnley discuss the skills of proper caulking
Angela takes a plum break
Derick seems happy with his work
Angela getting it straight
Amy wiring the lights
Angela Hughey is good at transit work. Amy Bell will make a good electrician.
Judson College Earth Team planting a Trident Maple tree
Judson College Earth Team planting trees
The Judson College Earth Team planted the treescape for the Learning Center Project. Trident Maples, which only grow about 25 feet tall, were planted along the sidewalk. Dr. Thomas Wilson is sponsor of the Team. Rachael Webster is Team President.
Andrew Freear gave the ribbon cutting address.  Team members were warmly congradulated by Perry County school officials and local citizens.
Team members are recognized for their fine work on the Learning Center
Judson College Earth Team President, Rachael Webster, discusses politics with Senator Hank Sanders
Andrew Freear addressed the gathering and thanked those that contributed to the project. Team members in the upper photo are: Amy Bell, Sam Cumle, Turnley Smith, Anglea Hughey, and Dereck Alpin.

Judson College Earth Team President, Rachael Webster, and other Earth Team members discussed politics with Senator Hank Sanders.
For more information, contact:
Dr. Thomas Wilson
